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Jun 18, 2020

In today’s replay, we'll get to hear from Sobande Greer and Jaacalyn Davis as they discuss the Sacred Waters Retreat, held annually in Dover, TN. Next event coming May 28-30, 2021! There's a lot to this episode, so I’d recommend given it a listen even if you’re unable to attend the upcoming retreat....

Jun 16, 2020

In this replay of the HerbRally Podcast you’ll hear from community herbalist and urban farmer Brandon Ruiz. He tells us all about his work with the Charlotte Herbal Accessibility Project that he created in 2018. This project aims to educate communities in Charlotte, NC about the benefits, practical uses, and history...

Jun 13, 2020

In today's episode we revisit Arvolyn Hill and Ellenie Cruz of Oshun's Garden

This is actually episode one of their podcast which you can find on SoundCloud.

Oshun's Garden is a digital Garden of holistic medicinal resources focusing primarily on flower essences as vibrational healing geared towards people...