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Sep 30, 2017

Today we're talkin' about about Vata! 

Amanda Stanley is our instructor for this episode. She is an Ayurvedic herbalist, yogi and reiki practitioner. I loved gaining new insight in this system of herbalism. She has a wonderful way of weaving the philosophy of Ayurveda with practical health practices we could all stand...

Sep 25, 2017

Today's episode I'm talking about an upcoming event here in my hometown, Eugene, OR. 

New Orleans based herbalist Jen Stovall is on a west coast teaching tour and she'll be making a stop here next Saturday, September 30th, 2017. She'll be teaching the six hour intensive "Tools for Working with Addiction". If you've ever...

Sep 20, 2017

In today's episode we hear from Charis Lindrooth as she informs us all about the upcoming event, the MidAtlantic Women's Herbal Conference

September 30th - October 1st
Kempton, PA

Keynotes with Rosemary Gladstar and Susan Leopold! 

Learn more about using, identifying, preparing and growing herbs for yourself, for your...

Sep 19, 2017

Today's episode we hear from Erika Galentin MNIMH, RH (AHG) of Sovereignty Herbs in Athens, Ohio speaking on Demystifying Herb-Drug Interactions.

Many people get very frightened when they think about herbs and drugs interacting with each other. Some even may feel defensive about the idea that pharmaceutical medicine so...

Sep 12, 2017

Katja and Ryn are back! This time to discuss the winter syrup that they make annually for the upcoming winter season. They always are sure to include elderberry, however they mix it up with various other plant allies depending on what they find growing around them. 

Be sure to tune in to learn about the formulation they...