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Aug 13, 2020

In today's episode, listen in as Dr. Mary Bove discusses compliance issues in herbal medicine and suggests creative strategies for what to do. This episode is of special interest for health practitioners, parents, and caregivers. Dr. Bove addresses the challenges with adherence to an herbal regimen like taste, schedule, digestive issues, and cost. A wide array of herbal preparations are discussed including body creams, throat sprays, baths, capsules, infusions, steams, and tinctures. Be sure to check out the accompanying PDF to find recipes for black elderberry gummies, raspberry and apple cider vinegar, herbal syrup and butters, golden turmeric drink and more!

Visit HerbRally here to download accompanying PDF.

A clinical medical herbalist, Mary Bove had a practice in family medicine in Brattleboro, Vermont for over 20 years where she assisted in the birth of a whole generation of kids. Listening to Mary talk on botanical medicine is like sitting down with a good friend over a cup of herbal tea. She is the author of An Encyclopedia of Natural Healing for Children and Infants, and co-author of Herbs for Women's Health. Since starting her herbal journey at age 18, Mary has held firm to three tenets: “Walk your talk, believe in the plants and practice herbalism every day in your life.”

More recordings from Dr. Bove available here.

To stay informed on the 6th Annual NorthWest Herb Symposium, visit Located at the Camp Casey Conference Center in Coupeville, Washington, teachers will include Eaglesong Gardener, Ryan Drum, Denise Joy, Netta Zeberoff and more!For many more great recordings like you’ve heard today, visit Tree Farm Communications where you’ll find quality audio of lectures, workshops, and conferences on topics like herbalism, integrative health, nutrition and more!

Thank you for listening!


Breitenbush Herb Conference